Well, today marks the 6 month out mark from the wedding. I have made a lot of progress, but there is still a lot to do. Decisions to make on each and every detail that will make our wedding special. We're meeting with the coordinator tomorrow and hopefully will make some progress.
School is going well. Getting ready for another test on Monday. Only 4 more school tests to go and then boards and then I'm done. Graduation is coming up the day after Derby (typical UK/Lexington inconveniencing Louisvillians. Not a big Lexington fan). But I'm not officially done with the program until the middle of July. I guess they figure no one wants to come back and walk in December.
Mom broke her ankle last weekend, so I've been taking care of her all week. She's making progress slowly but surely.
Don't know which of my friends read my posts, but I miss them all. And all their kids are cute, by the way. I try to at least look at the pictures of everyone anyway. Here's a recent picture of me at a college friend's wedding last week. Enjoy!