Old - On the morning of my wedding, a friend of the family stopped by the salon and gave me a handkerchief that belonged to her mother. I was missing my something old, and I really wanted a handkerchief. It was the perfect solution.
I guess the last thing to comment on was our cheographed dance. We had so much fun learning our cheography (our instructor made sure we knew that we did not know how to dance but instead had simply learned a routine). We chose a seductive song. Michael Buble - I'm Your Man. It was great. The CD started, and our guests were so loud that we had to restart it. The second time, they were STILL loud, so our counts were off for about the first 16 steps. But we had a blast anyway.
If you didn't have fun, you were at the wrong wedding because it was a BLAST, and I wouldn't change a thing about it.